France Lightsaber Dueling
Lightsaber duelling registered as official sport in France This article is more than 2 years old Emulating Star Wars combatants will encourage young people to engage in regular exercise says. Still nascent counting its paid-up practitioners in France in the hundreds not thousands lightsaber dueling has no hope of a place in the Paris Olympics in 2024. France Makes Lightsaber Dueling An Official Sport Its now easier than ever in France to act out Star Wars fantasies because its fencing federation has borrowed from a galaxy far far away and officially recognized lightsaber dueling as a. France lightsaber dueling . About a year ago the French Fencing Federation FFF was facing an existential challenge. Httpsyoutube__RAZbwMoJYJedi Knight fights with Sith Lord on Fencing Senior World Championships Moscow. Young people want to give it a try. Now dueling with them has become a sport in France. The French Fencing Federation has recognized lightsaber dueling as an official sport. St...